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UNIT 1 - Digital Citizenship

Graphic Design

In this unit, students explored topics like digital footprints, internet safety, and mobile phone safety while learning basic software to develop graphic design products. After watching interviews with students of the same age group and reflecting on issues that are increasingly present in the daily lives of young people, the MYP1 students gain consciousness of how their online presence can impact their identity and relationships.
As a design project for this first unit, students created a poster to raise awareness about the dangers present online. To see their work in more detail, click on the gallery. 

Don’t forget to leave your comment. Your feedback is very important for our students.

Fellow students, parents and Ermitage staff, we would love to hear your feedback!
Please, remember to be thoughtful and respectful in your comments -MYP 1 students have truly dedicated themselves to these projects.
Comments will be moderated prior to being published; thank you for your patience until they show on the website.

UNIT 2 - Illuminated Poetry


IDU English+Design

Unit 2 was an interdisciplinary English and Design unit, developed and taught in both classes. The MYP 1 students had the opportunity to learn about some of the most elaborate individually hand-crafted books in art history.  Illuminated manuscripts marked the beginning of graphic design, far before the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1439.
In English they wrote original poems centered around a theme lending itself to the style of illuminated manuscripts, and in Design they wrote their poems in calligraphy on vegetable parchment and used gold leaf.  Throughout the whole process, students used medieval techniques and materials to illuminate their poems.
These original projects are showcased in this gallery. By clicking on the gallery, you can see each student's illuminated poetry in detail.

Don’t forget to leave your comment. Your feedback is very important for our students.

Fellow students, parents and Ermitage staff, we would love to hear your feedback!
Please, remember to be thoughtful and respectful in your comments -MYP 1 students have truly dedicated themselves to these projects.
Comments will be moderated prior to being published; thank you for your patience until they show on the website.

UNIT 3 - App Design


Digital Design/Coding


In Unit 3, students faced a completely new challenge, not only learning JavaScript using block-based programming but mainly for managing a big part of their project during distance learning, showing their great adaptability and learning autonomy. MYP 1 students created original Apps, completely invented by them.
We invite you to follow the link to each App (“PLAY” over each image) and explore the wonderful games and quizzes, testing your knowledge, or even planning your next vacation.

Fellow students, parents and Ermitage staff, we would love to hear your feedback!
Please, remember to be thoughtful and respectful in your comments -MYP 1 students have truly dedicated themselves to these projects.
Comments will be moderated prior to being published; thank you for your patience until they show on the website.
Anna Walus.png

If you like quizzes, questionnaires, and choosing your adventure this app is for you! Find hidden buttons and adventure across my app by following the link underneath.


If you like video games and you play with them a lot, this app is for you!
Get to know what your personality video game is!
Which path will you go through?
Play the quiz to know


Gabriel Astier.png

My app is an app of survival.  You need to survive the obstacles in your way like a Bear to even Antarctica.This is a really fun game. There is even a disco at the end.I hope you like my app. Are you ready for an adventure?


Helene Duerrfeld.png

In this app, you will be able to play a quiz about animals and see beautiful places in the world as well as test your knowledge about Nature.


Do you like school? Do you like simulations and having multiple decisions? Do you like choosing a simulated life? Here I am showing you my app for a simulated school! Click the link below to start the game!


Jaime Monzon.png

If you want to know a little bit of what ingredients are in your foods or drink and maybe some facts instead this is an app best suited for you.


If you love animals and you want to find out what your spirit animal is go on to my app!


Leonard Claveranne.png

Are you smart or do you think you're smart then try my quiz now all about catastrophes in history, about games in the present , actors and cases.


You're stranded in a forest with no food, water, or communication! The only way to escape is through the other side. You must make a series of decisions to reach it. Can You Survive? Play my game to find out.


Malena Rizza.png

Do you need to plan your vacation, this App is for you! Would you like to go to a beach or mountains? Vacation Planner is here to help you decide. 


In this App you will be solving your very own spy mission where you will choose from different answers to get to the end! Answer them correctly and you will make it to the end but if you answer one wrong, you have to start over! Good luck! 


Roxane Duguet.png

This app is a fun life simulator where your instinct will be put to the test to make the right choices, enjoy!


Do you want to find out which Stranger Things character you are? Well, you found the right app!

Click "play" to start.


Sara App.png

If you want to be a detective and solve this mystery, then try my App.


Matteo App.png

My app is about personality, do you know yourself?

Find out by using my app!


Louise App.png

If you want to be a detective and solve this mystery, then try my App.


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